A Wise Turtle

Since a young boy I have always had one thing that has fascinated me. Something that I could never get off my mind. I would day dream about it. My personality was built on this one thing that for some reason drives me in ways that nothing else can. Nothing you can buy but just an idea. The idea of business. All parts of it. This story starts here.

Business has always been apart of my life. As a young kid I would sell Little Debbie's individually to make a profit on the box. I built a put put course out of pine needles, wood, and solo cups dreaming about one day opening a real course. Have done yard work trying to start a lawn mowing business. Dreamed about one day running my own food truck. Ideas from all different avenues. For some reason though, nothing would stick. I would always think about the next idea, or move on if things didn't work out.

A few weeks after making a prototype that had no art on it, cards that were cut with scissors, and just some odd and end pieces put together. We had a family get together for a holiday. There I brought this prototype game and played. At this time I thought that I had a pretty good game but was looking for input on tweaks that I needed to make. You know, just honest feedback from a group of people that I spent my life with. People that turned me into the person I am.

Some of us got together at a table and played the game and some people watched. People walking by, wondering who was winning, what was going on, how it worked. One person that didn't play however just sat and watched. Took it all in. This person was a slow older gentleman. Not slow as in thinking, he was sharp. Just slow as in, he was older, he moved you know, slowly. He sat and watched the entire game. It took about an hour or so. Afterwards he gets a moment away from everyone and looks me in the eye and just says, "Look, you have got something here. Keep going, don't give up."

From this day about fourteen months into this whole process I think about you and what you said to me. I will keep going. I thank you for your wisdom and your kind words. I will be forever grateful.

About three weeks after this encounter this man passed away, leaving behind wisdom and words that keep pushing me ever day to make this work. I appreciate you and love you grandpa turtle.

Have Safe Travels Everyone, and enjoy every moment.

Justin Bores - 1/4/2022