Evolution of the Board

The Travelers game board has come a long way. From just an idea that I had a dream about one day to an actual work of art that I feel proud of to share with all of you. Through out the life of this board game I hope to get the opportunity to design many more. It was a great experience and Holly is truly the best to work with.

On the left you have a very rough sketch of an idea I had in my head and wanted to get it onto paper so I would not forget it. It really is not a board at all but it is the idea of a game board. The very spark that started this project. At this time I had no Idea how to play; I had a dream and wanted to start getting it on paper, well in this case just a computer file.

The actual first playable version of the game was on a piece of foam poster board that I bought at the dollar tree. I was on the road traveling for work, had a day off so I went to work on this game. I actual bought every piece from the dollar tree. I found these rocks that I used as pawns, and a toy that I used as a tour guide. I bought markers and started writing. On the right is the first physical version of the board game.

From this I started playing and tweaking the game. Figured out what worked well and not so well. I added elements that I felt brought value to the game. Things that made the board game interesting. Like the strategy cards. I like this element because these spaces are placed in positions that make you want to go for them but at the same time may not be in your best interest. Take for example the first strategy card space. It is shiny, like a nice piece of jewelry. It makes players want to place their pieces there. Well, if a seven is rolled on the white dice to tour guide travels back to start. Knowing this, the only way possible to land on that space is for two small rolls of the dice or the tour guide travels completely around the board without a seven being rolled. So, what looks like a great space may not be so great after all. If you look at the game board on the right, I also added rectangles to keep your spare pieces while the are not in play. I thought that this was just a nice way to keep things organized while playing. I also moved the "double numbers" to the outside of the game board knowing that eventually I needed to add some type of artwork to make the game appeal to all of the travelers out there.

After getting the board to a point that I liked I needed to start getting artwork done. On the left is a piece of art that was done by Brandi Davis, my wives best friend growing up. Side note, thank you so much Brandi!! With this piece of art, once I had a completed piece, I had Holly work her magic and start the graphic design process.

To the right are the first graphics of the game board. After a lot of decision making and a ton of back and forth figuring out the best design for us. We came up with what I think looks fun, artistic, and makes the game a very special piece to put on your table for that Wednesday game night. Happy travels every one!!

Justin Bores - 12/18/2021