My Little Helper

Through out the juggling of trying to create a game, run a business, and still have time for family activities, there is a little girl who's smile makes it all worth it. I think every business owner can attest to the challenges this brings to a person. To her I want to say thank you for understanding and for helping. For keeping me company through all of the endless piles of paper. You mean so much.

A three year old girl that sits by my side. She wants to spend time with me so I just say, "Ok, can you do this for me love." She is right to it. Even though sometimes it is challenging we find a way to make it work and, I still have a little hair.

Last night, actually last night, it hit me when she was helping me. We were packaging up cards and this three year old was opening bags. She was just going and going. Many times I am slowing down to help her but not this time. I could not keep up with her. At three years old I am expecting a five minute attention span but for probably forty-five minutes she was opening and we were talking away, just enjoying each other. Enjoying the time that we get to spend together; and I realize, this is why I am doing this. I am doing this for me and our family yes, but I am doing it for the time that I can not get back. I want to spend as much of it with the people I enjoy and make me happy. All of you reading this are part of that. I thank you truly so much. So please share, and play, and enjoy the time with your loved ones. I hope this game brings you closer.

Behind a box on a shelf there is story. Many of them are not told or heard about. Many of the names and faces are not known. You see a product and you pick it up, put it in your cart, and enjoy it. Whatever it may be. I don't want my people... my support, to not be known. So, I write. Hoping that one day you read. My little helper is just one of those great people and to her I say... I love you Zoe.

Happy Travels Everyone

Justin Bores - 12/27/2021