The Beginning


My name is Justin Bores and I have created a board game. The draft you see with the link is the actual first draft, the first ever playable travelers game. Well at that time I did not know what the name was, just a concept. Before I dive into that and how that came about I think a little back story of myself will give you some context for who I am and where I came from.


My name is Justin. I grew up in a small town in Ohio where I had a great family, 8 total in our house. We lived in a rural area on 7+ acres of land. With all of these brothers and sisters we always found something to do. Although we did not have a ton of money our parents always kept food on the table and as an adult I see how hard that can be at times. I only say that to say we didn't always have the bells and whistles of toys we became very creative. Seeing as we did have the yard to do things I remember some of our creations. A putt-putt course made out of pine needles and solo cups. A haunted house where you rode in a lawn mower trailer. Buckets that you would throw apples in to score points. A long sock on a string that you would swing and launch these golf ball size nuts or something, I'm not really sure what they were lol. We also did a lot of thing indoors. We ran stores where we sold different snacks to each other. Made and played different homemade type carnival games. So many fun memories. One night of the week stands out though, Wednesday.

Wednesday night was usually a night where, since we had a crazy brady bunch family, three of my siblings went to their moms for the night. My older sister was usually off doing her own thing as she was three years older than me. That left us with my mom, step dad, my little brother and me. This was the perfect number for a little competition. So, out came the board games. This is one of my favorite memories as a child. We would play anything from Monopoly and Clue to classic games like Cribbage and Acquire. Honestly, any game that we could compete in we had a fun time playing. We also kept ongoing list for game for records on who won and what each players score was. I remember finding the list from the Acquire game, one of my favorites, and it goes back almost twenty years.

After high school I ended up going to culinary school at Johnson & Wales in Charlotte, NC. There I received a bachelors degree, learned a lot and met a ton of cool people. I'm not going to go into to much detail on this as it will probably be another topic in an upcoming blog.

From school I moved around a little and eventually ended up back in my home town, well at least the area, where I started working a union job. In this job I got to travel a lot and I ended up meeting my wife while traveling for work. She left her home town and moved in with me and we now have two beautiful kids, Zoe and Liam, so smart and full of energy. I only hope that I can give them all the love and care that my parents gave me growing up.

Anyway, that's me. Obviously, I skipped over some things and there are lots of things I will go into more detail about but for now I just want to say thank you. For the support, for the shares, likes, and nice comments; for the purchase of the game. You are truly making a dream come true.

Justin Bores - 12/15/2021